summer_campA great ad draws the right crowd, promotes your brand & sells! Read below for 4 tricks to successfully promoting your summer camp…

  1. Spend Wisely. Your ad should pay for itself – aim to spend the price of 1-2 weeks of registration.
  2. Target. Data shows parents are willing to drive up to 10 miles for regular programs. Promote close to home.
  3. Offer a Discount. We all love a good deal. A 5% coupon code goes a long way.
  4. Plan Strategically. Spring and late summer are key decision-making times for parents. In March & April, they plan long-term camp, in July and August they’re considering week-long sessions for “camp-hopping”

The Munchkin Fun 2015 Camp Guide will be sent to 16,000+ Miami parents on April 12. Participation is $300 and includes 50 words of text, the CTA of your choice and a link to your URL. Click here to advertise your camp.

Looking for more? We also offer exclusive promotions, geo-targeted dedicated emails and registration functionality. Email [email protected] to get started today.

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