I’m a mom of three staring down the precipice of middle school wondering where the manic toddler years went. We had three kids in four years – 2012-2014 are basically a blur. I’ve loved every minute of being a parent, even the ones I didn’t love until days later.

Now as our oldest daughter starts sixth grade, I find myself focusing on making the most of our time together. We have 18 summers with our kids at home before they go to college. That used to seem like forever – now it feels like grains slipping through my fingers.

Munchkin Fun, my fourth baby, was always about helping families have more fun together. Now I’d like to extend that mission. Munchkin Fun is about helping families make the most of their time together.

We want to help you play, learn and give back as a family.

  • Find fun things to do outside the house with our events calendars
  • Develop essential academic & emotional skills with our book subscription service
  • Teach empathy, compassion & volunteering with our kindness club

Each facet of Munchkin Fun is designed to help you spend quality time with your child, whether it’s snuggling over a book, rocking out at a concert or creating a get well kit for a neighbor. We partner with experts to bring you the highest quality offerings.

  • Our events calendars are curated by local editors
  • Our book subscription service is built with a Harvard-trained reading specialist
  • Our kindness club is created in partnership with a nonprofit committed to raising a kinder generation of children

The days are long, but the years are quick. Make the most of them with Munchkin Fun. Check out our calendars here, subscribe to our book service here & be the first to learn about our kindness club here.
