morningAnyone else already missing the lazy days of winter break? Staying out late, sleeping in and not packing lunch for 2 glorious weeks! Ease your munchkins (and yourself) back into the school routine with these 5 easy tips…

  1. Prep your backpacks Sunday night. Find the backpacks, clean them out & make sure they’re good to go for Monday morning.
  2. Pack lunch Sunday night. Cross something off your to-do list & get older munchkins involved for an afternoon activity.
  3. Pick the breakfast menu Sunday night. Agree on your little one’s meal the night before & save you both a headache Monday morning.
  4. Set an alarm clock. Munchkins 5 and up are prime age for alarm clocks. Teach them to turn it off & let the clock do the dirty work of waking up.
  5. Build in some extra time. Monday morning will inevitably run off schedule. Give yourself 10-20 minutes of wiggle room for missing shoes, slow dressing & backpack scrounging.