Catch a wave of winter fun at The Florida Aquarium! We’ve extended our hours on Saturdays so you can strike a pose for the most magical and unique Santa photo of the season, stay for a sunset cruise, and stroll our stunning galleries.  Snow Days is back on December 26 with all-new safe ways to play!  Grab your mittens as you toss snowballs, build your own snow creation, dance in real snowfall, and more. Learn more about Snow Days at

Get ready for flurries of fun at the all-new safe Snow Days. First, toss snowballs at Sea Monsters polluting our oceans. Next, grab a bucket of real snow and build your own snow creation. Then get those happy-feet going for a socially-distanced dance party as “real” snow falls. There’s snow place like The Florida Aquarium December 26 – 31 – we’ve even extended our hours to 9:30 AM – 9 PM for the entire week so you have more time to play! All Snow Days activities are included with your general admission ticket. Find out everything you need to at




Socially Distant Santa photos are here! Practice your pose for a holiday photo unlike any year before. Saturdays through December 19, 11 AM – 7 PM.






On December 22 from 9 – 10:30 AM, The Florida Aquarium is hosting a Sensory Snow Days. This is an opportunity for individuals with sensory differences and their families to experience the all-new Snow Days in a way that is just for them.  Special effects, lights and music will be adapted for those with sensory differences. Tickets must be purchased in advance. Buy Now




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