Halloween Candy and Treats. Halloween is a fun-filled holiday for children of all ages. However, with all the delicious candy and treats, it’s important to understand the importance of brushing after indulging in sugary delights. When we consume sugary treats, the harmful bacteria in our mouths use the sugar to produce acid, which can damage the enamel on our teeth. If left unchecked, this acid can continue to erode the enamel, resulting in cavities and other dental issues. That’s why it’s crucial to brush your teeth after eating candy.

Braces & Brushing. One of the first things you discover when you get your braces is that you might need to brush more often. In fact, it’s best to brush after every meal and even every snack, sugary or not, while you’re in braces.

Why? First, because no one wants to smile with food particles sticking to brackets and wires. Even more important, though, the filmy plaque which sticks to your enamel can be harder to remove with those brackets and wires in the way. Since plaque causes weakened enamel and cavities, brushing thoroughly is more important than ever when you wear braces.

Wait 30 Minutes to Brush. As a general rule, it’s best to wait at least 30 minutes after eating candy to brush your teeth. This allows your saliva to neutralize the acid and makes brushing more effective. When you do brush, make sure to use fluoride toothpaste and brush all surfaces of your teeth for two minutes.

Talk to Dr. Michelle Palmer about your brushing habits! Schedule a free consultation at her Boynton Beach, FL office. No need to use your imagination to plan your best brushing schedule. Her office has all the answers you need to help you brush your way to your best—and healthiest—smile! Click here to connect directly!